Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Answers - Quizarre quiz 7

Our winners for the Etymology quiz are:

1. Radhika N (wins a voucher worth Rs.200 from LeBooks)
2. Shruti AV (wins a voucher worth Rs.100 from LeBooks)

And the answers are:
1. Hooligan - from Hooly's gang
2. Syllabus
3. Electron - from the Greek word for amber
4. Saving face
5. Genuine
6. Cabs - from the Spanish word for goat
7. Fermium - after Enrico Fermi
8. Catamaran - from the Tamil 'Kattu Maram'
9. Hogwarts headache
10. Rhodesia - after Cecil Rhodes

Do keep checking our site for more quizzes and crosswords. Wish you a happy new year!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Winners - Qrossie 6

Congratulations to all of you who cracked it! The lucky two to win vouchers from LeBooks are:

1. Vidhitha Kanakamedala
2. Anurupa D

The etymology quiz will remain open for a few more days while Snooty enjoys his siestas back home. Do rush in your entries to quizarre@gmail.com if you haven't already!

The answers to Qrossie 6 can be found here 

Happy holidays and quizzing! 

Saturday, December 12, 2009

We'll be back...

Thanks all for the response so far! Quizarre will be taking some time off now, so Snooty and Snotty can get back to their jobs for a change! We will be back next week with the usual and the unusual, so keep watching this space!

Meanwhile, the most recent quiz and crossword will remain open for another week. So keep sending in your entries. Happy quizarring, and see you all soon!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Quizarre: Quiz 7

This time we have an 'Etymology' quiz for you. Hope you have fun solving it!!

Mail in your answers to quizarre[at]gmail[dot]com with the subject 'Quizarre quiz 7 answers'. And yes, we have fun prizes to be won.

1.  During the late 1800s there existed a gang in London controlled by a person called X. The records of this gang in the London police reports were corrupted, and that is how we know them today. What word am I talking about?

2. In Cicero's letters to Atticus, he refers to X, which means a label identifying the contents of a manuscript. In a 1470 edition, this was misprinted, and the incorrect form has come down to us and is used till date. What is X?

3. Which modern word gets its name from what you see in the picture?

4. Noble ladies and gentlemen of the 1700s used a lot of makeup to impress each other. Since they rarely bathed, the makeup would get thicker and thicker. If they sat too close to the fireplace, the makeup would melt. If this happened, a servant was to move a screen in front of the fireplace to prevent this. What phrase originates from this scenario?

5. This word originally meant 'placed on the knees'. A father legally claimed his newborn child by sitting in front of his family and placing his child on his knee. What word?

6. The first few of these bounced so much that they made people think of goats romping along a hillside. Hence the name. What am I talking about?

7. Which chemical element is named after this gentleman?

8. It literally means 'tied up wood'. It consists of two 'vakas' joined by some structure. Though it has been used since time immemorial in South India and Oceania, it has only recently been introduced to the mainstream, and is now popular among users of such structures. What am I talking about?

9. X is described as a mild condition, which includes headache, possibly with neck and wrist pains, caused by excessively long sessions of doing ________________. The symptoms vanish once the activity is completed. Patients who were advised to take breaks in their sessions refused this advice. What is the term X?

10. Which country was named after this gentleman?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Answers - Quizarre quiz 6

Thanks for the awesome response to the 'Mythology and Folklore' quiz. Our winners (the first two all-correct entries we received) are:

1. Gaurav Kumar Kalal (wins a voucher worth Rs.200 from LeBooks)
2. Pushpendra Pal (wins a voucher worth Rs.100 from LeBooks)

And the answers are:
1. Kailash
2. Baba Yaga
3. Achilles
4. Quetzalcoatl
5. Gordian Knot
6. Gondor
7. Ceres
8. The killing of Raktabeeja
9. Fenrir
10. Lochness

Tomorrow we will have an 'Etymology' quiz. Do check it out and win cool prizes!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Qrossie 6 - Mythology

Continuing with the mythology theme this week, here's the next Qrossie. Each answer is either a mythological character or creature. The clues lie in the pictures.So rush in your entries to quizarre@gmail.com. The first two all-correct entries win prizes as usual!
Happy solving!










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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Winners - Qrossie 5

Thank you for sending in the answers, which, by the way, are put up here! We received several all-correct entries, and the two that reached us first were by:

1. Anirudh Shastry (wins a voucher worth Rs.200 from LeBooks)
2. Nishadh Amonkar (wins a voucher worth Rs.100 from LeBooks)

Congrats to the winners! And those who missed out, there's another chance coming up - a mythology crossword. Do keep checking in!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Quizarre: Quiz 6

This time its a 'Mythology and Folklore' quiz. Hope you have fun solving it!!

Our prizes are sponsored by www.lebooks.in (see logo on side panel), which is a great website for books of all kinds. Do check it out whenever you have the time. The first 2 places get vouchers worth Rs.200 and Rs.100 respectively from LeBooks, which they can use while purchasing merchandise worth at least Rs.400 and Rs.200 respectively from LeBooks. In case of a tie, the entries submitted earlier shall be considered.

Anyway, here's the quiz. Do mail in your answers to quizarre[at]gmail[dot]com with the subject 'Quizarre quiz 6 answers'.

1. It is locally called the Precious Jewel of Snow, and believed to be the center of the world. A stream is said to flow from here to a nearby lake, from where rivers flow in the four cardinal directions (N-E-S-W), called the mouths of the Lion, Horse, Peacock and Elephant respectively. It is a spiritual center for four great religions. What is this precious jewel of snow?

2. Identify this antagonistic folk character who flies on a giant broomstick or mortar, and is said to kidnap and eat small children.

3. Identify the person in the bottom center.

4. Identify this god whose name is a combination of the term for a vividly colored bird and a term meaning serpent.

5. X was a plain guy who used to live in the plains of Phrygia. A prophecy of the oracle made him the king of the land. According to the oracle, the first person who came into the city with a wagon was to be made the king. X was the first person. In gratitude he offered his wagon to Zeus. Instead of yoking it to an ox, he yoked it to a pole. As ages passed this place became a shrine and also a curious puzzle for travelers. What am I talking about?

6. This kingdom developed following the defeat of the great enemy, and had its main city along the river. Two fortresses were built on either side, the towers of the Sun and the Moon. Later when the kingdom fell from glory, and the enemy grew in power again, the tower of the Moon was lost, and the city along the river was mostly abandoned. The tower of the Sun was renamed as the Tower of Guard. Which kingdom?

7. Identify this Roman goddess.

8. What is depicted here?

9. This mythical monster in the form of a wolf was prophesied to cause the end of the gods. So the gods had it chained in a cage. But it grew so strong that no bonds could restrain it, so the gods used a chain of magic and tied the wolf down, deep below the earth's surface. At the end of the world, the wolf will kill the chief god, but in turn will be killed by the god's son. Identify.

10. This creature is believed to be from a line of plesiosaura. Many anecdotes reference it, but no concrete evidence has been found so far, save for many photos and videos which are subject to debate. The latest evidence supposedly stems from a Google Earth image which shows the creature's four legs and body. Sonar explorations have turned up nothing at all, making this creature more myth than reality. Identify this creature named after the place it has been 'seen'.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Answers - Quizarre quiz 5

Thanks for the overwhelming response to the 'Around the World' quiz. Our winners (the first two all-correct entries we received) are:

1. Rishi Tandon (wins a voucher worth Rs.200 from LeBooks)
2. Sathanbabu Mathankumar (wins a voucher worth Rs.100 from LeBooks)

And the answers are:
1. Palestine
2. Leichtenstein
3. Gulliver's Travels
4. Giuseppe Garibaldi, San Marino
5. Bridgetown, Barbados
6. Bolivia
7. Dinar
8. Freetown
9. Mauritius
10. Ethiopia

Tomorrow we will have a 'Mythology and Folklore' quiz. Do check it out, fun prizes to be won!!