Sunday, November 22, 2009

Qrossie 4 - Scrambled!

So this is a slightly different crossword. All clues are in the form of anagrams. To give an example, if the clue is "Hated her leg (5,6)", unscramble the letters to get the answer - Heath Ledger.
To make it more fun, all answers are the names of Hollywood stars. Try it out, and send in as many answers as you can get to
Happy solving!

You need Java enabled to view the crossword applet.

If you do not have Java installed you can obtain it from If do have Java you may need to check your security settings to make sure that applets are enabled, especially if you are viewing the puzzle from your hard disk. In Windows XP you may be able to enable the applet by clicking on the yellow bar at the top of the window and selecting "Allow blocked content".