Sunday, November 1, 2009

And we kick it off...

More like Snotty kicked Snooty, and kicked so hard that the poor chap decided to do some work for a change and start off this blog. So here we are. Quizarre. (Woo, that rhymes). Well, this was supposed to be an introductory post, but Snooty as usual has lost himself in his rhymes. And can sense Snotty readying herself for another kick.

So here goes. What we do (or intend to, anyways) is simple. You want a quiz done for your quarterly company party, call us. A quiz or related literary event for some school or college, call us. You a budding magazine needing a crossword column, call us. None of these?? Well, call us anyways and we shall find something to do for you which of course you shall totally like.

Watch this space for quizzes, comics and a lot more stuff, both the normal and the bizarre, befitting both a serf and a czar, brought to you by Quizarre. And do click on the links on the right for some stuff we have already done.

quizarre[at]gmail[dot]com. See ya!!